The LTM®4680 is a dual 30A or single 60A step-down
μModule® (power module) DC/DC regulator featuring
remote configurability and telemetry-monitoring of power
management parameters over PMBus—an open standard I2C-based digital interface protocol. The LTM4680
is comprised of digitally programmable analog control
loops, precision mixed-signal circuitry, EEPROM, power
MOSFETs, inductors and supporting components.
The LTM4680 product video is available on the website.
The LTM4680’s 2-wire serial interface allows outputs
to be margined, tuned and ramped up and down at programmable slew rates with sequencing delay times. True
input current sense, output currents and voltages, output
power, temperatures, uptime and peak values are readable. Custom configuration of the EEPROM contents is not
required. At start-up, output voltages, switching frequency,
and channel phase angle assignments can be set by pinstrapping resistors. The LTpowerPlay® GUI and DC1613
USB-to-PMBus converter and demo kits are available.
The LTM4680 is offered in a 16mm × 16mm × 7.82mm
BGA package available with SnPb or RoHS compliant terminal finish. Pin compatible with LTM4678.