The LTM®4651 is an ultralow noise, 58V, 24W DC/DC
μModule® inverting topology regulator. It regulates a negative output voltage (VOUT–) from a positive input supply
voltage (VIN), and is designed to meet the radiated emissions
requirements of EN55022. Conducted emission requirements can be met by adding standard filter components.
Included in the package are the switching controller, power
MOSFETs, inductor, filters and support components.
The LTM4651 can regulate VOUT– to a value between
–0.5V and –26.5V, provided that its input and output
voltages adhere to the safe operating area criteria of the
LTM4651: VIN + |VOUT–| ≤ 58V. A switching frequency
range of 250kHz to 3MHz is supported (400kHz default)
and the module can synchronize to an external clock.
Despite being an inverting topology regulator, no level shift
circuitry is needed to interface to the LTM4651’s RUN,
PGOOD or CLKIN pins; those pins are referenced to GND.
The LTM4651 is offered in a 15mm × 9mm × 5.01mm BGA
package with SnPb or RoHS compliant terminal finish.