The LTM®4650-1A/LTM4650-1B is dual 25A or single 50A
output step-down μModule® (power module) regulator
with ±0.8% (LTM4650-1A) and ±1.5% (LTM4650-1B)
total DC output error with ±3% transient output error.
Included in the package are the switching controller,
power FETs, inductors, and all supporting components.
External compensation allows for fast transient response
to minimize output capacitance when powering FPGAs,
ASICs, and processors. With synchronized multiphase
parallel current sharing, six LTM4650-1 devices can deliver up to 300A. The LTM4650-1 is offered in a 16mm ×
16mm × 5.01 BGA package, with SnPb (BGA) or RoHS
compliant terminal finish.