TheLTM®4614 is a complete 4A dualoutputswitchingmode
step-down μModule® regulator. Included in the package
are the switching controllers, power FETs, inductors and
all support components. The dual 4A DC/DC converters
operate over an input voltage range of 2.375V to 5.5V.
The LTM4614 supports output voltages ranging from
0.8V to 5V. The regulator output voltages are set by a
single resistor for each output. Only bulk input and output
capacitors are needed to complete the design.
The low profile package (2.82mm) enables utilization of
unused space on the bottom of PC boards for high density
point of load regulation.
Additionalfeatures include overvoltage protection, foldback
overcurrentprotection, thermalshutdownandprogrammable
soft-start. Thepowermoduleisofferedin a spacesavingand
thermally enhanced 15mm × 15mm × 2.82mm LGA package. The LTM4614 is RoHS compliant with Pb-free finish.